

I have lived in Caplin Cove Newfoundland for over 30 years. I am situated on the North East edge of the North Atlantic on a cliff overlooking the Witless Bay Sea Bird Colony Reserve, a sea bird sanctuary. My studio/printshop is in my home and I have at present a Vandercook SP25 non motorized Letter Press with type and all assorted parafernalia associated with a Letter Press shop. I have a Fuchs and Lange (Rembrandt branded) lithography press, a number of nice blue stones and a plate backer so I can work with plates. It was my intention, once I retired from the West Baffin Co-op in Cape Dorset (which I did a few years ago) that I would resume my practice as an artist print maker.


Photo by Jane Severs


Over the years I built what we call Studio B (garage) with potential studio space on the second floor. The rest of the house I have basically replaced everything, electrical, plumbing, flooring ceilings and insulated the otherwise uninsulated building. I say I but in reality I had a lot of help from my skilled and generous friends Mark Dykeman and Ralph Cary. If it wasn’t for them I would have been driven from these cliffs long ago. It remains home and studio. My patient and loving partner Jane has been endlessly supportive and we share this life togehter.